Friday, April 30, 2010

live essay- service learning

For my service learning I was assigned to help out in a seventh grade science class. It was a great experince for me since I am going to school for secondary education. I was able to observe how the students behaved, and how well they paid attention while in class.

When I first started my service learning, I was not too sure what to expect since this was a seventh grade class, or how they were going to be. It turns out, the two classes I was able to help out in were awesome students. I was able to observe how most of the time, they paid attention and got involved with what the were learning that day in class. Some students would have their own side conversations, or would want to talk about something that was completely off topic, but the teacher would just tell them now was not the time and she would go on teaching the lesson. They came to class prepared and ready to learn. They were in their seats by the time the bell rang, and doing the assignment that was on the board to start off the class.

My favorite thing to observe the students doing was when they were doing an activity for the day in the class. The first assignment I observed was a rock activity they had to do. In groups quietly they had to go table to table and write down a description of the rocks and what type they were. It was interesting to observe if the students could follow directions and do the assignment quietly, which most of them did. Some students had to be reminded but I was amazed by

how well they paid attention to directions that were given to them.

Another activity that I enjoyed observing the students take part in was when we took them outside to the little creek right outside the school. I observed that many of the students wanted to play in the creek, which was allowed, but more than I ha

d thought. They loved it, and while they were able to play in the creek, they were also doing the assignment they had to which was observing what the creek felt like, what was in the creek, and also what was around the creek. Hearing what the students had observed, I learned that they were very observive themselves and noticed a lot of things that I did not think they would.

This was a great experince for me. I want to teach secondary education history, but I am still unsure of what grade, so working with seventh graders gave me an experience in seeing how well they acted, and behaved and how overall they were pretty easy to work with. I enjoyed getting to know the students, and working with them in the classroom. Having service learning in college classes is a great idea and also a great experience. I would love to do it again, and also when I able able to start student teaching, I want to work more with seventh graders, and also grade levels even higher to see what I like working with the most. Being able to learn from these students was also a great experience. I really enjoyed getting to know them and seeing how each one learned different, or how they had done things different from others in the classroom.

I believe service learning and community service in our society is very important. It’s a great feeling when you help out and do something for the community. College classes should require service learning to be apart of the class because it is a great way for students to get involved in their community. When students help out in their community they gain knowledge, skills and commitment to working (Jacoby). Students do not really think about going out, and helping out at a school, or a hospital or something else. When they are given this as an assignment, it gives them a chance to go out in the community and do something. Service learning will also enhance what is taught in school by extending student learning beyond the classroom and into the community and helps foster the development of sense of caring for others (Cohen). Not only should college students help out in their community, but middle school, and high school and even adults should take some time out of their day, or thier weekends, and go help out. It really will make a different in todays society if more people just spend an hour of their day doing something and helping out. Even if it is just for an hour a day, it makes on huge impact on the place they helped out at, and they appreciate whatever help and time you can give. It’s a great feeling. I really enjoyed by opportunity of being able to help out in a classroom and would love to do it again, even if it is not for a class. Everyone should just give it a try, there is nothing that is not enjoyable about it. Meeting new people, being able to make in impact on someone elses lives, and even on your own life. So go out, take an hour of your day, and go volunteer somewhere and help out, help out the community and help make our society even stronger than what it is today.

Workscited page

Jacoby, Barbara. "Partnerships for service-learning: Impacts on communities and .index=12&did=1988322751&SrchMode=1&sid=7&Fmt=2&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1272656032&clientId=1407">>.

Jeremy, Dennis, and Kinsey Cohen. "Doing good and scholarship: A service->.

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