Monday, May 10, 2010

Internet sources

Internet sources
This website gives me the definition and how secondary education is categorized. Middle schools and highschools are considered secondary education schools. The next stem in education after secondary is college level. It also gives information about secondary education in other countries.
This website explains and gives the definition of secondary education. Students that major in secondary education have a high interest in teaching. It lists some of the courses I can take to work toward my major. It also listens what I may want to take even after I am finished with my major.,,contentMDK:20521252~menuPK:738179~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282386,00.html
This website talks about the benefits you have being a secondary education teacher. It mentions how world banks support secondary education. It mentions the different instutions you will work with through out your career as a teacher in the secondary education field.
This website talks about the secondary education degrees. They are mostly earned at the bachelor’s degree level. You also will recevie the training for the level you want to teach at.

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