Monday, May 10, 2010

Internet sources

Internet sources
This website gives me the definition and how secondary education is categorized. Middle schools and highschools are considered secondary education schools. The next stem in education after secondary is college level. It also gives information about secondary education in other countries.
This website explains and gives the definition of secondary education. Students that major in secondary education have a high interest in teaching. It lists some of the courses I can take to work toward my major. It also listens what I may want to take even after I am finished with my major.,,contentMDK:20521252~menuPK:738179~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282386,00.html
This website talks about the benefits you have being a secondary education teacher. It mentions how world banks support secondary education. It mentions the different instutions you will work with through out your career as a teacher in the secondary education field.
This website talks about the secondary education degrees. They are mostly earned at the bachelor’s degree level. You also will recevie the training for the level you want to teach at.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Annotated bibliography

"Don't mention the "v"-word." Economist 345.8045 (1997): 18. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCO. Web. 2 May 2010.
This source talks about how teachers do not like to even hear the word or the idea of giving vouchers out to families to spend on state or private schooling. It talks about how Bill Clinton vetoed this bill because he saw it as a way that was going to help white middle- class children get into private schools. If they allowed vouchers school would start loosing students because more would transfer to private schools which will cause teachers to lose their jobs at private schools. Teachers could also have to deal with major pay cuts if this was to happen.

Mansell, Warwick. "Merit Pay Across the Pond." Phi Delta Kappan 91.7 (2010): 83-84. Professional Development Collection. EBSCO. Web. 2 May 2010.

In this source it talks about the pay teachers get in England. The Government was not very
happy that teachers were getting paid by how many years they have been teaching, not by
how management responsible they were. Teachers had to show their portfolios of evidence
they were cabable of the eight categories that the Government had laid out. Since then it has
been changed since 2006, that principles go into the classrooms and evaluate how the teacher is
doing to receive a pay increase.

Carr, David L., Thomas L. Davies, and Angeline M. Lavin. "THE IMPACT OF INSTRUCTOR ATTIRE ON COLLEGE STUDENT SATISFACTION." College Student Journal 44.1 (2010): 101-111. Professional Development Collection. EBSCO. Web. 2 May 2010.
In this source it talks about how colleges and universities use student tuitions and fees to help
pay for teaching staff. It also mentions that professors should wear business clothes in the
classroom, not casual clothes. The dress of a professor has been shown that it affects the way
a student learns in the classroom. Teachers that also dress more formally are seen as being more
organized than other teachers.

Dale, Jack D. "Rewarding Teachers Collectively." School Administrator 67.3 (2010): 25. Professional Development Collection. EBSCO. Web. 2 May 2010.
In this short source it talks about it talks about teachers pay and how it can have an increase.
It would include improvement of the school, more teacher leadership and teachers helping out
the newer teachers that are at the school. It would also include extended learning.